Chip Ngai’s Aboveground Tanks can be manufactured with saddle to mount permanently on desired places. Based on demand, the tank can be manufactured accordance to UL 142.
Tanks come with level gauge and clear viewing tube to show volume of fuel carried. For bigger tank, ladder and platform are build in for accessing manhole.
Different external & internal coating systems are available based on requirement.

Skid tank
As fueling operation may conducted in temporary basis especially on construction or farm sites, it is desirable to have storage tanks available. Due to the temporary nature of the operation, it would be wasteful to install the tanks underground or mount permanently aboveground.
In such instances, Chip Ngai offers tank with platform or skid made of steel beam. The platform keeps the tank from resting directly on the ground and also prevents it from rolling over.
Double wall aboveground tank
Steel Primary Tank enclosed with a Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Secondary Containment Jacket or another layer of steel secondary tank. .
Suitable for meeting a variety of demanding applications in the Petroleum, Chemical and Aerospace Industrial sectors for storage of liquids such as fuels including petrol, jet fuel, diesel, ethanol, neat ethanol and industrial solvents inclusive of Toluene and Xylene.
Different external & internal coating systems are available based on requirement.